
Welcome to Our Write Mind. I hope you will explore the various pages. I would love to hear from you and am curious about what you would like to see discussed or what you would find helpful to you as a writer. My goal is to have new material available weekly. My best wishes to you as we explore the writing profession. Dara

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Back To School

Some of us have a romanticized idea of back to school. It conjures up a nip in the air, the sound of crunching leaves as a child walks to school, new back packs, lunch boxes, and clothes. Don't forget the sharpened #2 pencils, along with Elmer's glue, and a new box of Crayola crayons.

Then reality sets in... it is a humid and sweltering 90 degree day, everybody is cranky because the excitement of the impending ritual kept them up most of the night. The dogs ate the new shoes, the baby spit up on the back pack, and two of the three kids supplement their breakfast with their neatly packed lunches, and the only change you have amounts to 39 cents.

Life is good. Smile you'll all make it through the day....er, year.

If it helps I am on the second generation. I now get to watch my 7 year old granddaughter maneuver one of life's rites of passage. The other two grandchildren are still in diapers and spitting up on things.

It will be interesting to watch, as her mother is also finishing up college. I have also been kicking around the idea of going back myself. I'll keep you posted.